I am drawn to the image and metaphor (though not the reality, for the most part...) of parades, processions, marches and all things with multiple characters moving along a trajectory, striding, staggering, and stumbling along a path. Two years ago I installed a parade of much of my three-dimensional work called
All Aboard, and four years ago I tried to get going on a project called
We Are an Army, that would have women all around the world make images of themselves for a group installation. I have proposed this several times to different funders and institutions, without any interest, but now I am really committed to making it happen.
The characters I'm making in the studio are up to around 24" high, animals and people and "gods" in various combinations. Much of the time I'm thinking about the loss of species on the planet and the way that we humans are fouling the planet and gobbling up resources, making things bad for our own species and worse for others. Here are the first photos I made last week; there are now more than twice as many pieces, and they are beginning to interact more.
I'll post some additional images in the coming week.