Wednesday, July 29, 2020


My exhibit,
Hang on, Hang in
H a n g i n’

will be at J. Langdon, 7 Langdon Street in Montpelier, Vermont, from August 3-31, 2020 with an opening reception during Montpelier's Art Walk on Friday, August 7, from 4-8 PM.

SPECIAL Art Walk TREAT: The FAMILY BAND, consisting of my husband R.D. Eno on accordion, son Jonas Eno - Van Fleet on bass guitar, daughter-in-law Anna Van Fleet on keyboard, grandson Manny Van Fleet on electric guitar -- playing outside from 5:00 - 5:30 and 6:00 - 6:30!

Below are the major pieces in the exhibition, twelve half-to-3/4 lifesize figures that will be hanging on the wall.

I Smell a Rat, 54x27x17", with plug-in light

 Falling, 59x17x17", buttons, maps, wood

Black 49x21x7", plastic, plexi, rubber, metal

Mama, 52x21x10", metal, wood, paint, barrel hoop

Angel In, 45x36x12", metal, bone, shell, wood, clay

Tools, 58x15x8", antique toy, bike seat, wood, tools

Bird, 46x21x9", wood, metal

Hungry, 46x33x10", wood, metal, spoons

Play Ball, 55x44x6", wood, metal, antique catcher's mask

Washing, 48x13x18", wood, antique paper coupons

Portland, 53x37x10", wood, plaster, metal

Music, 66x28x13", wood, metal, buttons, rubber

All of these large figures are offered for sale at $1,2000 each, and each of them is paired with a smaller, related figure, sold separately, ranging in price from $125 - $500. There's an 8% discount for purchasing the two figures (large plus related small) together.

Feel free to be in touch with me to ask for higher-resolution images, or to inquire about current availability.