I'm here in the Big Easy, while it's snowstorming in Vermont. It's amazing to me how much diversity there is on our planet -- different plants, different climate, different people. But there are still cats, pooping in the vegetable garden I planted here.
We're staying with our daughter Berrian, who's one of the leads/creators of the Krewe of Janes, that will be rolling with the Krewe of Chewbacchus on January 30 at 7 PM (after one of my favorites, Tit Rex. Here's a look at the sign we made for carrying in the parade. The letters are cut into a big, shallow cardboard box we modified, backed with stiff translucent plastic, with cool led strings of lights bought by the other lead, Kristy.
Berrian has made fabulous costumes for the members of the krewe out of gold crushed velvet, as well as modifying a shopping cart with bicycle tires. Exciting. I'll post more as more happens!