Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Last Two For Awhile

 Vermont, like the rest of the country, is experiencing a huge spike in Covid-19 cases, so I finished the most recent two pieces I've been working on in the studio, took some photographs of them, packed up my paints and some boards, and am battening down the hatches and working at home for the next weeks (and possibly months). 

The first piece is another car-related piece, which for the moment I'm just calling Cars. The head is a trailer hitch, but it seemed to be more than a little too small up on top there, so it's been joined by a cool tricycle that I bought at Resource in Burlington a number of years ago. I like all the different car-and-other-wheeled-vehicle action in this piece!


Next, Cup of Coffee, with a White House Coffee can on top. I decided to use that because I had legs made out of a pile of Chock Full of Nuts cans, and it seemed quite funny and appropriate to have these coffee cans together. But then the nut was voted out of the White House, so I decided to let it go. Besides, the Chock Full cans were too yellow and clunky, and I wanted to bring the green color around the white house into the bottom part of the piece, so it now has more sedate legs.