Sunday, June 6, 2010

Installing Music of the Spheres at NRG Systems in Hinesburg

On Wednesday, June 2, I finally went over to NRG Systems to install the Music of the Spheres, that they bought way back in August of last year. Here you see Steve Knowlden and Martha Keenan at the end of the hanging process.

The lagtime (from delivery to installation) has to do with our mutual effort to find someone there to create a lighting system that uses moving light to make the shadows on the wall move and dance.

Any of my readers who has seen the film about my Circular Statements work by Gail Marlene Schwartz (with music by Michael Arnowitt) may remember that I've been trying to develop such a lighting system, but so far haven't been able to figure out how to do it. I tried a computerized system with a timer-chaser (which is now being used with Disc Dance at the ECHO Center), but it didn't do what I wanted. So I figured that I was really lucky to have a piece bought by NRG Systems, a place filled with Engineers!!, and now maybe it really could happen.

Guy Kirchoff is now on the case, and I'm hopeful that he'll come up with something wonderful to make my Dreams of Dancing Disks come true!

Stay tuned!


jane horner said...

looks like music already. the lighting system will be f a b u l o u s. congratulations from jane

Meart said...

Your piece generates energy on its own. Very Nice! Mary

Jill Herrick-Lee said...

Hi Janet!
I am so happy Disc Dance is getting the treatment it deserves. It looks great and I hope you'll post more pics for us to see!
Best to you, Jill