Friday, August 15, 2014

Artwork at Downstreet Eats

I don't often install my work in restaurants, but I love what Elena Gustavson is doing at  Downstreet Eats in my hometown, Cabot, Vermont! So I put up some of my more colorful and lighthearted work -- my wine foils in the front room

and my Loose Grid pieces (from the Nagoya, ABC, and Numbers series) in the back room.

In her weekly newsletter Elena said, ""Wow". Really the only word that came out of my mouth when I looked around my restaurant last Saturday afternoon. Janet Van Fleet, a multimedia artist and one of the founders of Studio Place Arts in Barre, VT, had graciously agreed to hang a few of her pieces in DownStreet Eats. The place is transformed!

Using bits of materials that most of us do not think twice about throwing away, Janet transformed wine foil into whimsical figures and bits of wire, buttons and metal into aesthetic and social statement pieces."

If you can, go have a look, and enjoy this wonderful eatery!

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